God Does not need a Perfect Christian

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Being a light to others is not about perfection (Matthew 5:16). It is about the heart, motives, and attitude. God is the only one who knows when our spirit needs a check (Jeremiah 17:9-10). He also knows when our motives are impure. Don’t be deceived by people with a form of godliness who are not sincere about their walk with God. How will you know you might ask? The Bible says you will know them by their fruit. This is still not about being a perfect Christian.

It has everything to do with what comes out of a person. This means what they do and what they say. Many Christians struggle to bridle their tongue, manage anger, and be pure in actions and deeds. I have not arrived I have to watch it as well. I’m sensitive, sometimes easily offended, anger creeps in, and my words may not be the best.

Though this is true we have to strive to work on ourselves every day. I’m not accepting that is just how I am. As believers, we should continually be able to be molded and shaped by God. This is important so we can grow spiritually (2 Corinthians 4:7).

Don’t strive to appear holy, but strive to be the difference the world needs. You may miss the mark, but God understands. Don’t get stuck trying to prove to people you know God. We have all met Christians who there no question that they know God. They wear their relationship with God like a garment. You can see it in everything that they do. Are they perfect? No, but the things that used to trip them up happen a lot less.

God’s words tell us we can get angry but sin not. God already knows things will upset us, but we should respond differently through practice. It takes being aware that the negative response we continue to have needs work. Perfection is something we can never obtain down here on Earth. We can learn to strive to be better than we were yesterday and take life one step at a time.

I haven’t arrived and to be honest, no one has. We all have things we need to work on. Yes, some of us need more work than others. However, God understands this, and He gives us grace. Give yourself grace and remember to give other people grace.

God does not need a perfect Christian. All He needs is for you to be willing to be used by Him to bring others to Christ (Hebrews 10:24-25). Also, to be a light in an often dark world (2 Corinthians 4:6).

Shakera Williams, MSW Avatar

About the author

Shakera has been known to beat all the odds of battling mental health challenges and pursuing her dreams. She is also the author of four books. A memoir of her battle with mental illness titled “The Dealt Hand: The Story of my Battle with mental illness”, The Art of Resilience: Dreaming and Overcoming the Challenges of Life, Resilient Inspired Spiritual Excellence (R.I.S.E.), and her newest book “Hues of Stained Glass: Healing from Broken Pieces”. Shakera’s passion for mental health and women comes from her own experiences and overcoming the barriers and challenges in her own life. Shakera understands that she cannot do anything without her relationship with God His grace and the support of her community.

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