Mental Health Awareness

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After a life of battling mental health struggles I know a lot about the importance of mental wellness. God’s word illustrates “For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and a sound mind (2 Timothy 1:7).” The sound mind God has given is one that we have to manage through allowing Him to rule in our lives. We also need to be aware of the issues in our heart, that affect what we say and think about ourselves and our lives.

Battling mental health and coming from a very harsh upbringing, the mind is a constant struggle. It is important to strategically choose what you allow your mind to absorb daily while dealing with past trauma. The mind is powerful and it is the battlefield where the enemy wants full control.

The roots of the issues that individuals with mental illness face is complex. Some of it can be biological, environmental, social, emotional, or all. The root can also be years of abuse and trauma. The struggles can be lifelong. The way to overcome is to allow time to heal.

Mental illness is challenging for many people. It is challenging to have the label of having a mental illness.

There are a lot people that don’t understand it and lack awareness. Many people believe that because it’s the mind you can “get over it”. This is misleading, disrespectful, and shows a lack of understanding about mental illness.

You don’t tell a cancer patient to “get over having cancer. Mental illness is not something you “get over”. It is something you learn to live with and manage.

I encourage individuals with mental illness not to feel shame or guilt about your illness. If you are a  loved one raising children with mental illness, remember, love covers and protects. Speak life over your children and loved one. Tell them they are loved. Let them know you care. Don’t sit idly by and speak negative whether they are present or not.

Mental illness is not a curse. It is a illness that can be managed with a strong support system and lots of love. Medication and therapy also help many people.

Shakera Williams, MSW Avatar

About the author

Shakera has been known to beat all the odds of battling mental health challenges and pursuing her dreams. She is also the author of four books. A memoir of her battle with mental illness titled “The Dealt Hand: The Story of my Battle with mental illness”, The Art of Resilience: Dreaming and Overcoming the Challenges of Life, Resilient Inspired Spiritual Excellence (R.I.S.E.), and her newest book “Hues of Stained Glass: Healing from Broken Pieces”. Shakera’s passion for mental health and women comes from her own experiences and overcoming the barriers and challenges in her own life. Shakera understands that she cannot do anything without her relationship with God His grace and the support of her community.

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